
Bekend as The "BAMartialArtist" en "Ninja P"
MIND : Gesertifiseerde Meester Lewensafrigter, Lewensdoelafrigter, Doel Sukses Lewensafrigter, Loopbaanontwikkeling Lewensafrigter, en Geluk Lewensafrigter
LIGGAAM : Gesertifiseerde Xtreme Hip Hop™ Stap Aerobics Instrukteur, Gesertifiseerde Xtreme Brand Instrukteur, Martial Arts Instrukteur
SIEL : Gesertifiseerde Besigheidsanalise Professionele (CBAP), ACBA, Gesertifiseerde Diversiteit en Insluiting Bestuurder Afrigter, Gelisensieerde IDI Administrateur

Our Goal is to Inspire, Motivate and Encourage All!
Life Coaching has been a passion of mine for quite some time, and that's why in 2020 I decided to pursue my passion and obtain my Certification as a Master Life Coach, which included going through a 4-course Life Coaching journey to become a Master Life Coach. I enjoyed those 4 courses so much I decided to take it a step further and get Certified as a Career Development Coach as well. If you are feeling you have more to offer and not feeling as though you are living in your purpose, or living the fulfilling life you desire, let me help you! Let me take you on the journey I experienced that opened my eyes to so many things, and different perspectives. These ideas shifted my mindset to a life of fulfillment and abundance. I offer three specific Life Coaching Programs listed below, as well as other life coaching option. You can find out more information below.

This is a 11-week program that focuses on discovering your purpose. You will take a journey that includes: (1) discover your purpose, (2) identify your passions and interests, (3) identify your talents and skills, (4) how to identify and eliminate limiting beliefs, (5) you will create your personal manifesto that will empower you to stay true to your purpose, and (6) identify and define your goals with a specific focus on identifying your "WHY". By the end of the 11 weeks you would have completed an amazing journey of self reflection, introspection and empowerment.
Are you READY to commit to yourself to be the best version of YOU possible, and to walk in your purpose? If so, click on the button below. Trust me, it's worth the investment in YOU.

This is a 12-week program that focuses on identifying, categorizing, prioritization, and creating a plan to achieve your goals. You will take a journey that includes: (1) identifying your WHY, (2) identification of goals and tasks, (3) how to group, categorize and prioritize your goals, (4) defining your daily-30-60-90-365 day plan, (5) how to break through the change cycle, (6) how to use empowering talk, (7) identifying your not to-do-List, (8), how to effectively identify accountability, (9), how to take massive action and assess your results, (10) saying "no" to excuses, (11) how to address procrastination, and (12) how to celebrate yourself along the way. By the end of this journey you will have a plan to achieve your goals, and additional options to continue that accountability afterwards.
Are you READY to commit to yourself to be the best version of YOU possible? If so, click on the button below to get started.

This is a 10-week program that focuses on professional life coaching which is all about effectively identifying and writing your story and executing on it. You will take a journey that includes: (1) discovering your purpose, (2) identifying your passions and interests, (3) identifying your talents and skills, (4) identifying and defining your goals, (5) addressing limiting beliefs, (6) how to effectively make decisions and overcoming inaction, (7) overcoming the fear of change, failure and risk, and (8) you will end the program by rewriting your life story. By the end of the 10 weeks you will have a story to tell for sure. You will understand your professional purpose, your passions, interests, talents, skills, and fears and so much more.
Are you READY to commit to yourself to be the best version of YOU possible? If so, click on the button below to get started.
As enige van die onderstaande afrigtingsprogramme vir jou van belang is, klik asseblief op die knoppie hieronder om 'n 15-minute ontdekkingsessie te skeduleer om verder met Paula te bespreek.
Begeer jy om leef jou beste lewe? Begeer jy om 'n vervullende lewe te lei? Indien wel, is dit dalk reg vir jou om 'n Lewensafrigter te kry. Ons bied lewensafrigtingdienste wat jou sal help om a vervullende lewe, ontbloot wat jou dalk terughou, definieer en jou bereik doelwitte in jou lewe, hetsy persoonlik of professioneel. Sodra jy die program voltooi het jy kan bykomende ondersteuning verkry deur ons Aanspreeklikheidslidmaatskapprogram .

Paula Bell
Gesertifiseerde Meester Lewensafrigter
Wonder jy wat jou doel in die lewe is? Voel jy daar is meer as wat jy bestem is om te doen, maar jy weet nie presies hoe om dit te bepaal nie? Indien wel, kan Lewensdoelafrigting help. Met hierdie afrigtingsprogram fokus ons op die verskaffing, leiding, gereedskap en tegniek om jou lewensdoel te definieer, en om 'n padkaart te skep om dit te bereik. Sodra jy die program voltooi het jy kan bykomende ondersteuning verkry deur ons Aanspreeklikheidslidmaatskapprogram .

Paula Bell
Gesertifiseerde Lewensdoelafrigter
Doelwit Sukses Afrigting
Het jy 'n moeilike tyd om te definieer en bereiking jou doelwitte? Dan is hierdie program vir jou. Jy sal vertrek met kennis oor hoe om doelwitte te definieer, hoe om jou doelwitte te bepaal, jou doelwitte te definieer, en 'n plan oor hoe om dit te bereik. Sodra jy die program voltooi het jy kan bykomende ondersteuning verkry deur ons Aanspreeklikheidslidmaatskapprogram .

Paula klok
Gesertifiseerde Doel Sukses Lewensafrigter
Geluk Lewensafrigting
Vind jy dit moeilik om geluk in jou lewe te vind? Of voel jy dalk jy sukkel om gelukkig te bly? Indien wel, kan hierdie program die reg pas vir jou. Ons fokus op identifiseer wat jou gelukkig maak en 'n plan om daardie geluk te verkry wat jy dalk voel jy kortkom. Die lewe is te kort om nie gelukkig te wees nie, so kom ons gebruik jou innerlike ninja om te identifiseer wat jou gelukkig maak en 'n plan om dit te bereik.
Sodra jy die program voltooi het jy kan bykomende ondersteuning verkry deur ons Aanspreeklikheidslidmaatskapprogram .

Paula Bell
Gesertifiseerde Happiness Life Coach
Soek jy leiding oor die bevordering van jou loopbaan, of om vas te stel waar wil jy in jou loopbaan wees? Dan is hierdie afrigtingsprogram dalk reg vir jou. In hierdie program fokus ons op die skep van jou CV, ontleding van vaardigheidgapings, voorbereiding van onderhoude en uitvoering.
Sodra jy die program voltooi het jy kan bykomende ondersteuning verkry deur ons Aanspreeklikheidslidmaatskapprogram .
Daarbenewens, die Loopbaanvoorbereiding en -ontwikkelingsprogram sodra dit van stapel gestuur is, kan die regte pas vir jou wees. Sien asseblief meer oor hierdie program hier .

Paula Bell
Gesertifiseerde Loopbaanafrigter
As enige van die bogenoemde afrigtingsprogramme vir jou van belang is, klik asseblief op die knoppie hieronder om 'n 15-minute ontdekkingsessie te skeduleer om verder met Paula te bespreek.